Odor associated with smoke and soot contaminates requires specialized procedures and techniques to deodorize and refresh a property or object.

Odor removal involves four general principles:

  • Removing the source if possible
  • Cleaning affected surfaces and materials
  • Recreating the conditions of penetration with the appropriate neutralizer
  • Sealing restorable surfaces as necessary

Many things can cause a bad odor in a home or business to linger. Pets, animal urine, cigarette smoke, spoiled food, garbage, sewer backup, the aftermath of a fire, and the pungent odor of a decomposing body are many examples.

We recognize and understand that these odors are typically difficult to remediate under the circumstances. One common scenario we come across involves people who have “tried everything” to get rid of a smell, but are still left with lingering scents that just don’t seem to go away.

First, we remove or clean the source of the odor. In some cases, this means removing the carpet, pad or flooring to reach the source of the odor, particularly when dealing with pet urine. Next, we select the best odor removal treatment and process that will produce the best results.

Our professionals are trained and experienced in dealing with fire-related odor. They have the detection tools, the specialized solutions, the equipment and the experience necessary to deal with odors from all types of combustion.

Ocert1 will ensure that your home and property are free from the mold so that you can enjoy your life without this annoying menace. Take advantage of our 24/7 service and 30 minutes emergency response by giving us a call on 949 573-4074 today!

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